Saturday 25 February 2012


I didn’t ever set out to be a blogger. Twelve months ago I did not even know what a blog was.  At about the same time, I had gotten my laptop for Christmas and I started writing.  My first stories would only ever be read by my husband and a few close friends and family and otherwise they were collecting computer dust on my hard drive.  As my collection grew and I became more confident with the encouragement of said friends and family, I began to think that maybe starting a blog would be a good step. And, eight months later, here we all are. 

I have posted a story a week since I began.  My deadline is always Sunday.  I set this ridiculous standard for myself and more than once I have wondered what I was thinking.  Then I rationalize, if it is only me who is holding me to this deadline, who cares if I don’t meet it? But for some reason, I just cannot miss a Sunday. I have no idea why. It is not like I am not going to fire myself and I am not a particularly disciplined person.  It is quite baffling, actually.
Inspiration for what I write comes quickly.  I may not have a clue what I am going to write about all week and then, just like that, something will resonate with me and the words flood in. There is no agenda to what I write. I am not trying to touch on certain subjects.  I just write what I know and feel. 

I have come to learn some interesting things about writing a public blog.  Mainly, that people are either terrified that I am going to write about them or waiting to recognize them self in a story.  I think the only person I have ever hung out to dry is my husband and, in his unwavering support of my new hobby, has at most rolled his eyes at finding himself the centre of yet another storyline.  And those afraid to be the centre of my attention (there’s really only two – my mother and you know who you are) have made it clear that they do not want me writing about them. Actually, I think my mom would just like me to censor what I might write about her...she would make for a great couple of blogs.

I was only made aware of the second group while out for dinner this week.  As I said, inspiration comes quickly and not always with any sense.  I have not ever thought about trying to mention all of my friends as I don’t measure my closeness with them by whether or not they have ‘made it’ here on these pages.  So I was surprised when one of my closest friends (now you've made it girl!) took the opportunity when it presented itself to subtly mention to me that I had not yet written about her.  It caught me off guard because I never considered that my friends might actually be anticipating reading about themselves.  I was flattered but I also felt a new responsibility.

On a final note, there have been weeks that I thought the story was not going to happen and times that I wonder what I am doing this for.  And just when I think I am going to miss my very first deadline, someone will drop me email and say something really nice and my perfect record is saved again. Thank you for that and thank you for reading.  

1 comment:

  1. You are lucky your friends are reading yours! For the most part my "in real life" friends don't read my blog - but I've found a wonderful following of "blogging friends" online. They inspire me to keep blogging.
