Saturday 17 December 2011

Gifts of Writing - A Christmas Challenge

Every year at Christmas I have my students write poems to someone in their family to give as a gift at Christmas. They groan and beg not to have to do it but, in the end, they are always happy that I made them and they are always excited to take home their gift.  We talk about why a gift of writing is special - it’s personal, it took a special kind of effort so it shows how much you care, they last and they’re free.

Every January the kids come back to school with tales of sobbing mothers, teary eyed fathers and appreciative siblings who will treasure their gifts of writing forever.

I have decided to challenge you, my faithful readers (thanks for that by the way) to write your own gift of writing. I’ve included the tips I share with my students and that I have used to write my own gift which you’ll find below.

If you’re feeling really brave, post your piece in the comment section for everyone to enjoy. Now, find a quiet space, or a comfy seat at your favourite coffee shop and...happy writing!


          choose something specific to write about - don’t be too general. Select a memory, tradition, ritual that is special or write about what is unique about them or your relationship. Avoid a ‘Hallmark’ poem that could be given to anyone (no offence to Hallmark, you make great cards!)

           it doesn’t have to be about Christmas

          consider using your own handwriting instead of typing, it’s more personal. I wrote mine out on nice Christmas paper.

Mia’s Magic

You have become the magic of my Christmas
My own little me spreading Christmas joy wherever you go

Admiring each beautiful, sparkling ornament
as you pull them out from their year long slumber
Placing them thoughtfully on each bough
Stepping back to admire your work

Racing to your advent calendar every morning
Colour coding the mini ornaments as you go
Hovering over your Christmas puzzle
Intent on its completion before you step away

All of these years, I’ve enjoyed the job of
bringing Christmas to our family
But now I have you, my very own angel
Whose beautiful and happy spirit
is beside me all the way


  1. beautiful poem Lori - I may take you up on this challenge... let me see what I can come up with.

  2. Glad to hear Mia is as enthusiastic about spreading Christmas joy as she is about life in her!
