Sunday 16 October 2011

The Bad Mood Blues

I think the high of my best Thanksgiving ever has left me with a happiness hangover.  I’m not wired to sustain that level of joy and contentedness for so many consecutive days in a row without there being some form of emotional fallout.  I was just too happy.  I’m exhausted from all the happiness.

I have some solace (a lot, actually) in the fact that many of my friends are under a gray haze these days as well.  Misery loves company and it’s a full party right now.  We give each other half, forced smiles and sulk about our business. This particular rut of mine hasn’t been brought upon by any specific incident, it’s just here, hanging around like an annoying…oh, I don’t know, something really annoying.

I also have a dull headache and I’m not sure which came first, it or the mood.  Has my grumpiness  actually manifested itself in a physical form?  Next, I fear I may grow horns and a tail with a spear at the end of it. My husband would argue this has already happened. The wrong word (or look for the matter) from him and I turn into some sort of caged animal, except I’m not caged. My God, who am I?

Right now I am overly sensitive to the words and actions of others.  I am overly sensitive to things that wouldn’t normally bother me. I am overanalyzing and, in general, just a little over the top.  One thing I am not is a pretender.  I don’t pretend that my life is always perfect or that I always do the right thing or that I’m always happy. But I embrace it all; the good, the bad and the ugly and it’s the ugly that makes the good so much sweeter when it’s here.

I’ve never liked roller coasters but it’s like I’m permanently stuck on one.  I guess I’ll enjoy the ride back to the top as tonight I have prescribed myself a remedy to cure this bummer mood.  I’ll get into my pajamas before 6pm, order a pizza and watch a Halloween movie with my kids.  It puts me in a better mood just thinking about being in a good mood again.  That’ll learn me for being so damn happy.

1 comment:

  1. Perfect, as usual! Glad I'm not the only one. I hope the Halloween movie did the trick.
