Saturday 29 October 2011

Dragons Live Forever

Today my first born, my baby, turns eight. Eight; how can this be?  Each year older he gets I get to know him in a new and amazing way but it also means that little boy I used to hold in my arms is being replaced by a memory. 

I’ll never forget the day when he was three and we sat on his bed listening to Puff the Magic Dragon. I had heard this song many times before so I was completely unprepared for the flood of emotion that came over me as I sang the words to him that day: A dragon lives forever but not so little boys. I fell to pieces right there in the middle of the song and those words have haunted me to this day.

He actually asked me what I was writing today and I told him it was a poem for his birthday. He asked me to read it to him and just the thought of saying the words out loud made me start to cry. He was definitely confused at this point and asked me why I was crying. All I could say to him was that it is hard for me to let him grow up. He looked at me and said, “Mom, I’m only turning eight.”

He was right. He is only eight. He is still a little boy and one who is starting to recognize his place in the world. I love watching him grow up and one day I’ll embrace his wings as much as I much as I do his roots.

A Poem for Nicholas on his 8th Birthday

Brave, tough and stubborn
Curious, wild and beautiful
It’s as if I can see all the pieces
Of the man you will be

Strong, kind and admired
Curious, wild and beautiful
Each question, answer, triumph and frustration
Arming you for your journey ahead.

Selfishly I cling to you
Trying to hold onto my little boy
Who slips away from me with

Eyes rolling, groaning “Mom”
You fly out the door
To your next big adventure.

You run back to hug me
and tell me that you love me
I wrap my arms around you
and then I

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely poem Lori. I just ordered Puff the Zmagic Dragon for Alex for Christmas. Must prepare myself for the emotions.
